Mayan prophecy offers some revelations to modern astronomers on what will happen to the world in 2012. Masses of people don't get how the calendar works. They just judge the earth will come to a close on 21st of December 2012 because their calendar ends at this date. Actually , the Mayans are just attempting to identify that the great cycle will end with a new beginning. It does not actually mean that the entire earth will be destroyed on 21st December 2012.
Mayans are expert in varied astronomic aspects like the solar system and Milky Way. The Mayans gave a prophecy that the world have 13 years to turn away from their noxious nature. Mayans assumed the world will become in unity and stop battling with one another on the 21st December 2012. The sun, known as Kinich-Ahau by the Mayans often line up with the central universe. The sun will shine more brightly when it receives a spark of light. Solar flares is answerable for causing the spark of light. It also causes changes in the magnetic field of the sun.
According to the Mayans, solar flares happens each 5125 years. Solar flares could cause natural disasters thanks to the displacement during earth rotation. The Mayans claimed that the last civilizations ended as a result of a great flood. The flood was so great that the majority of the people that live on earth die. There are only a few survivors from their tribe that manage somehow to survive. The Mayans recounted the upcoming changes that is going to take place on the 21st of December 2012 will set off a humanity to enters into a new civilization. The civilization will cause humans to have compassions on one another and live in peace with one another.
Not simply the Mayans made this prophecy, other cultures and soothsayers also made these predictions. Soothsayer like Nostradamus use black magic to conjure up satan and give revelations about the year 2012. According to Nostradamus, an enormous comet will go by the earth. When the comet passes by the earth, the waves will rise by one thousand feet. It is claimed that Florence, Rome and other parts of Italy will be influenced by the great flood. The flood will be so great that many people cannot find dry land to escape. The Bible claims that there'll be wars around the globe. Some Christians prophesied that a one world executive will be set up during the end time. During end time, the one world executive will force everyone to worship the picture of the beast and take the 666 mark. Anybody who refuses to get the mark will be killed without mercy. The head of the one world executive will be a president who has reached all of the high positions on earth. He will not be himse lf but someone who is controlled by the devil. Movies about the doomsday had been released. The most popular movie about doomsday is produced by Hollywood Sony Pictures producers.