Sunday, March 25, 2012

2012 End of World - About The Prophecy - Society - Environment

Time after time, we have now encountered various prophecies which have been revealed. For about so many centuries from now, it had been then discovered that there is an accurate calendar that will be able to calculate when is the end of everything that exists here on earth. As per the Mayans prediction there will be an end to everything and that is nowadays the talk of the town, the 2012 end of world.|As per the Mayans prediction there will be an end to everything as well as the 2012 end of world has become the talk of the town.}

Some are wondering why Mayan's have the ability to predict such events in the future. The reason for this is that centuries ago, in the case of astronomy, math as well as art, Mayan's were recognized to be a great advancement. They even have a complete written language, and because they've got such knowledge at hand, they became preoccupied with time and began on devising a calendar that is particular enough to tell what happens in the future. It showed more precise prediction of events in the future since the calendar is based on planetary, lunar and solar activities.

You will find some instances that prophecies based on the calendar itself showed that it did happened in the future like for example the arrival of the known Cortez (Spanish explorer) and other adventurers who accompanies him in New World at Tobaco shores. Then there was also the best important among all prediction which has to do with the alignment of Earth to our Sun that's more often known as the cosmic alignment that happens every 25,800 years.

Now, what certainly worries us is what can we have to consider with the 2012 end of the world prediction. If this alignment is also proven by science and it is soon to happen, what will we have to look forward to. Could this lead to various catastrophes which considers the shifting the earths position, and also destruction to Earth's normal condition? What is in it for us?

This is largely the primary concern of people who think it a lttle bit alarming that what one can see in the films, can surely happen. Aside from the Mayan calendar, one can also find more information about the 2012 end of the world prediction from other sources regarding history. The query on if this is the fact or not would be on how individuals take such prediction. You do some research and gather more information to find out the truth, if not, then it's up to you if you feel serious about this.