Copyright (c) 2009 Jan Bouda
Lately we are obsessed by the controversial topic related to the year 2012. When I was a little child in the early 80's, I remember that my great-grandfather told me about some prophecies of a Roman Prophet Sibyl that the world would finish by the year 2000 and that the Chinese power would raise in the world. Well fortunately not big deal happened but what has happened that China is becoming a new super-power.
Some people say that the year 2012 would be the end of our world, some say it's only the end of this era, the others talk about a human transformation into more spiritual human beings. We hear and have many hypothesis and many people underestimate this topic, while the others think that something is going on. Two weeks ago I saw an interesting documentary from National Geographic about Nostradamus Prophecies for 2012; my opinion about him is - either we like it or not: he really hit the target and was quite accurate in so many times - it's amazing how someone almost 5 centuries ago knew about WWI, WWII, Hitler, Communism, 9/11, Hurricane Katrina and so on. So instead of being so skeptical, we'd better learn something from this and get ready for what's coming; the only problem is that the prophecies were coded into metaphors and not always well interpreted. From my point of view Nostradamus didn't write his prophecies to scare us, but to make us conscious about are actions and how to avoid the unnecessary outcomes.
When the swine flu outbreak lately appeared in Mexico, a lot of people were quite scared, only a few were walking on the street. I remember that the first days - I didn't want to go to the supermarket - the guys from the supermarket were bringing the food to my apartment. People started to behave quite differently; they stopped complaining about the crisis, and even started to be more polite and less aggressive in the traffic. When I was pulling my car out of garage, before "the plague" everybody was honking on us, then the people suddenly stopped. In my opinion Mexico City looked like a ghost town, it was less polluted and so enjoyable as never before. So I think it wasn't that bad as it was referred in media; in our case - we rested and had a break from our stressful jobs. What I personally consider: is that humanity has become more selfish, aggressive with each other and especially with our Mother Earth, who deserves some more respect from us. Don't you think so? Maybe to receive a good lesson on time as it could be in 2012, it is not that bad as it could be if we don't get it. People around the world have lost faith in general, in their Churches, religions and especially their governments and politicians. Politicians and the bankers are not well rated in general. The poles are melting; there are more hurricanes, earthquakes and this entire entire staff. The huge disappointment starts to overtake peoples' hearts, some people don't want to have kids anymore - because there are serious doubts about our present and future as well.
The movies about Zombies, 2012 and the future in general are extremely popular - it looks like if we unconsciously wanted some determined solution. But which one? The future of zombies, terminators, religious dictators or something else?
Unfortunately we are focused on tragedies, plagues, bad economic news - but all of us could really start to create and imagine something more relaxing and simply better than today. So if Nostradamus or the Mayans were right, we have always the option to choose; I would rather have something better and something very good for me, my family and the overall human race - this is what we should be thinking instead of our regular thoughts. We are skeptical and relinquish to do so, but let's use our minds to create something better; it's never late to do so. If you don't like your current conditions, let's imagine something better, the affluence, wealth and better environmental conditions.
Imagination is extremely powerful human sense that hasn't been well researched yet. I started to use it few years ago when I was alone, I imagined my wife with some details - I wanted to have a beautiful, charming, entertaining and big businesswoman - and I really got it. Once when both of us were meditating listening to the sounds of the ocean waves from our DVD player, we managed to see a new truck on our vacations to the beech. We saw the color of the van, and the shape of the lights. After the breakfast we went out of our apartment, and I asked her pointing at one parked car if she liked that color. She agreed, but then we saw another color between brown and dark green and both of us preferred that one. So to conclude, we bought the Ford Explorer and that wasn't the model that we planned before - but it was the one that we saw in that previous meditation which took place 2 months before the purchase. So we have so many tools that we don't use, so let's use in our favor and not against us.
So coming back to the year 2012, imagine the good part and the good changes it will bring instead of the classical apocalyptical features - we can change our future for good if we want to. During the swine flu, I decided if it were my last years in my life - I will really enjoy them and do what I always like. So let's keep rock & roll.