About The End of the World 2012 http://aboutendofworld2012.blogspot.com/
End of the world 2012 End of the world predictions 2012 End of world Mayan calender Mayan end of the world 2012 doomsday
Sunday, December 30, 2012
Monday, December 17, 2012
World Might End On 12 21 2012
The first to envision Dec 21 2012 as the end of the planet were the Mayans, a bloodthirsty race that were good at two things:
Building highly correct astrological hardware out of stone and Sacrificing Virgins.
Thousands of years ago they managed to calculate the length of the lunar moon as 329.53020 days, only 34 seconds out. The Mayan calendar envisions the Earth will end on Dec 21 2012. Given that they were pretty near to the mark with the lunar cycle, it's likely they've got the end of the planet right as well.
2. Solar Flairs Peak December 2012
Solar pros from across the world monitoring the sun have made a startling discovery : our sun is in a bit of struggle. The energy output of the sun is, like most things in nature, cyclic, and it's supposed to be in the middle of a period of relative stability. However, fresh solar typhoons have been bombarding the Earth with so much radiation energy, it's been knocking out power grids and destroying satellites. This activity is expected to get worse, and calculations suggest it'll reach its deadly peak sometime around Dec 21 2012.
3. The Bible and the I Ching
If having scientists caution us about the end of the planet isn't bad enough,religious people are getting in on the act aswell. Interpretations of the Christian Bible show the date for Armageddon, the final battle between Good evil has been set down for 2012. The I Ching, also called the Chinese book of Changes, claims a similar thing, as do numerous sections of the Hindu teachings. There are at least 12 ancient cultures from across the globe with such predictions for major earth changes around the same time.
4. Super Volcano Threats
Yellowstone State Park in the US is feted for its thermal springs and Old Unswerving geyser. The reason for this is easy - it's sitting on top of the world's biggest volcano, and geological experts are beginning to get frightened sweats. The Yellowstone volcano has a pattern of erupting every 650,000 years or so, and we're many years overdue for an explosion which may fill the atmosphere with ash, blocking the sun and plunging the Earth into a chilly winter that could last 15,000 years. The pressure under the Yellowstone is building steadily, and geologists have set 2012 as a likely date for the massive bang.
5. The Physicists Calculate We're Behind Schedule For Massive Distruction
This one's a case of simple mathematics. Physicists at Berekely U have been crunching the numbers. and they've determined that the Earth is well overdue for a major disastrous event. Even worse, they're claiming their calculations prove, that we are all going to die, very shortly - while also pronouncing their prophecy incorporates a certainty of 99 percent- and 2012 just turns out to be the best guess as to when it occurs.
6. Pole Shift
We all know the Earth is encircled by a magnetic field that sheilds us from almost all of the sun's radiation. What you might not know is that the magnetic poles we call north and south have a nasty habit of swapping places each 750,000 years or so - and at this time we're about 30,000 years overdue. Scientists have spotted the poles are drifting apart approximately 20-30kms each year, much quicker than ever, which points toward a pole-shift being right around the corner. While the pole shift is underway, the magnetic field is disrupted and will at last vanish, sometimes for up to 100 years. The result is enough UV out of doors to crisp your skin in seconds, murdering everything it touches.
And one more reason to be concerned about Dec 21 2012 :
7. Planet X Nibiru Fly-By Scenario
According to Ancient Sumerian texts the Earth ("Tiamat") was struck by a large planet "Nibiru", which moved it into its present orbit, and made the Moon and the Asteroid Belt. The Sumerians wrote that this planetary "god," Nibiru, "remade our solar system and remakes the Earth on its near passages." If their calculations are correct, then Nibiru ( sometimes called Planet X will be on a colision course with the Earth in on Dec 21 2012.
Monday, November 19, 2012
Solar Flares Solar activity 11 12 2012
A tribe native to the southwest region of the United States, the Hopi have predicted the Western movement, the overtaking of their land by the white people and the shifting from life dependent on nature to the destruction of our natural resources. They understand that the mining of the rocks, metals and minerals from the Earth's core is upsetting the balance of our planet and is the reason that the magnetic poles have begun to wobble.
In an address to the United Nations in 1991, the Hopi admonished the world that if humans do not change their ways and if they continue with the destruction of the planet, our world will be destroyed, just as the three previous worlds were destroyed by earthquakes, floods and ice.
It is a known fact that most of the world would not be able to sustain itself without the few who grow our food for us. The current world is disconnected literally from its roots. Warnings go unheeded.
The Hopi depend on other civilizations for the calculations, but they do have their prophets who set out nine signs of progression for the Age. We have currently passed the seventh sign, which is, the sea turning black and many living things dying because of it. There is no timeline for these occurrences.
Again, while the Hopi predict the destruction of the world, as we know it, they also predict that there is another world coming. This new world will need to start again from the beginning. When the Earth recovers from the projected total destruction, will its people be doomed to make the same mistakes their predecessors made?
An Age is approximately 5,600 years. How much of that Age will be required for the Earth to recover? Can we stop this total destruction or have we already gone too far? All of these questions remain to be answered. Will the predictions involving the date December 12, 2012 be just another hoax, we will have to wait and see. While your waiting it might be wise to find a way to reconnect with mother earth and show her you do care, just saying.
Monday, November 12, 2012
Latest Solar Flare Activity: 11 12 2012
Solar activity picked up in a hurry with the emergence of Sunspot 1613 located in the southern hemisphere. A solar flare reaching M2.0 was detected at 23:28 UTC late monday, followed by an impulsive M6.0 event at 02:04 UTC early Tuesday morning
evening. Almost an hour later, A geomagnetic sudden impulse was detected
by the ground based magnetometer located in Boulder, Colorado (16 nT @
23:16 UTC). This signalled the passage of the Coronal Mass Ejection past
and 500 km/s and the Bz component of the interplanetary magnetic field
(IMF) is currently pointed North. The Kp index (4) is currently just
below the G1 Geomagnetic Storm threshold. Should the Bz tip south for
long durations, this could help intensify geomagnetic activity at high
latitudes. Skywatchers at very high latitudes should be alert for
Prepared jointly by the U.S. Dept. of Commerce, NOAA,
Space Weather Prediction Center and the U.S. Air Force.
Updated 2012 Nov 12 2200 UTC
Joint USAF/NOAA Solar Geophysical Activity Report and Forecast SDF Number 317 Issued at 2200Z on 12 Nov 2012 IA. Analysis of Solar Active Regions and Activity from 11/2100Z to 12/2100Z: Solar activity has been at low levels for the past 24 hours. The largest solar event of the period was a C2 event observed at 12/1022Z from Region 1610 (S22W10). There are currently 8 numbered sunspot regions on the disk. IB. Solar Activity Forecast: Solar activity is expected to be at low to moderate levels on days one, two, and three (13 Nov, 14 Nov, 15 Nov). IIA. Geophysical Activity Summary 11/2100Z to 12/2100Z: The geomagnetic field has been at quiet levels for the past 24 hours. Solar wind speed, as measured by the ACE spacecraft, reached a peak speed of 362 km/s at 12/0605Z. Total IMF reached 12 nT at 12/0724Z. The maximum southward component of Bz reached -8.1 nT at 12/1934Z. IIB. Geophysical Activity Forecast: The geomagnetic field is expected to be at mostly active with a chance for minor storm levels early on day one (13 Nov) due to the arrival of the CMEs from 09/1524Z and 10/0539Z. Activity is expected to decrease to generally unsettled levels on day 2 (14 Nov) as CME effects subside. On day 3 (15 Nov) conditions are expected to return to mostly quiet levels. III. Event probabilities 13 Nov-15 Nov Class M 35/35/35 Class X 05/05/05 Proton 01/01/01 PCAF green IV. Penticton 10.7 cm Flux Observed 12 Nov 144 Predicted 13 Nov-15 Nov 145/145/150 90 Day Mean 12 Nov 118 V. Geomagnetic A Indices Observed Afr/Ap 11 Nov 002/002 Estimated Afr/Ap 12 Nov 005/008 Predicted Afr/Ap 13 Nov-15 Nov 013/015-007/010-006/005 VI. Geomagnetic Activity Probabilities 13 Nov-15 Nov A. Middle Latitudes Active 35/20/05 Minor Storm 25/05/01 Major-severe storm 05/01/01 B. High Latitudes Active 30/20/15 Minor Storm 25/30/10 Major-severe storm 05/25/05
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Travel to the Mayan Ruins of Tulum 2012
The biggest attraction to Tulum is the setting - high atop a palm-lined cliff top overlooking azure blue water and brilliant white sand beaches. We first visited six years ago - Sandra still calls this the most beautiful place she's ever seen - and we have been to a lot of great places. Tulum means "Wall" in Mayan - a name given to it because it is a walled city. Originally from the Classic period, evidence dates it back to 564 A.D. Between 1200AD and 1500AD, Tulum was a major trade hub for the Mayas. As with most of the Mayan cities, Tulum was conquered by the Spanish Conquistadors in about 1518AD
Tuesday, May 22, 2012
Mayan calendar end of world - The true face behind the prophecy of 2012 - Spirituality
There was a lot closer fascination Rev. 2012 behind the forecast of 2012. Also last year, Hollywood took advantage of the increased publicity by the rumors about the phenomenon in 2012 the release of the film produced in 2012. This is the description of much of what will be done come December 2012, but there are actually a lot of mystery about the actual events that should happen.
2012 prediction prophecy is true on three sources of information, Nostradamus, the and the Holy Bible. There will be a new Antichrist as per end of world Any reference to three to a certain degree of truth one day, the Day of Judgement or Judgement Day. The is in fact the only source that directly effected the prediction that these events in 2012. Specifically, forecasts of the Mayan Long Count calendar, the 21st Take place in December 2012, the end of the world.
Maya society is known as one of the most advanced civilizations in the ancient world, with the Egyptians, Sumerians and Romans. All persons must face with end of world They were well known to be promoted in a number of powers such as mathematics, engineering and architecture. The Maya had many calendars that are used for things like the short haircut and religious purposes. The is divided into different units of time similar to the lunar calendar today. One year was known as Haab, while the shortest time was two weeks, which was known as the Tzolkin. Nostradamus most of the predictions turned to be true so Mayan calendar end of world end of the earth can happens in real The Mayan Long Count calendar lasts for thousands of years and should be between 21 December 2012 for completion. Compared with the lunar calendar, known, scientists believe that the Mayan calendar is very accurate, with only a difference of 30 seconds between the two calendars.
As of 2012 approaches, nobody really knows what is coming 21st December 2012 happened. However, it is entirely plausible and possible that the ancient Maya civilization, the end of time, which could have devastating effects on humanity predicted. People are afraid with mayan calendar end of world Could it be possible that it could happen in the Apocalypse? Or perhaps you may experience the beginning of a new era in the appearance of Christ or the Antichrist? We have to wait and see.
For more information about the Mayan calendar, please visit our official Web site of 2012 countdown.
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Monday, May 21, 2012
Mayan calendar end of world - Spirituality
Apocalypto - 4 Stars (Excellent)
Mel Gibson's "Apocalypto" shows the dirty side, violent of the advanced Mayan civilization in decline, with their leaders are the key to continued prosperity to build more temples and offer human sacrifices to their gods. would sound Mayan calendar end of world end of the world, pass through an asteroid earth a negative effect on the Earth.
The result is the story of innocent Mayans were brutally attacked and fulfill their life in the destruction of a wild desire. There will be a new Antichrist as per Mayan calendar end of world Killing your own has never been a good idea historically and is perhaps a lesson to be taken more seriously today.
The purpose of this film is Jaguar Paw (Rudy Youngblood) and his family. It is one of the many son Flint Sky (Morris Birdyellowhead), the leader of a small, remote community in the rainforest of the Maya of the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico before the Spanish arrived in the New World. People are afraid of Mayan calendar end of world Flint Sky and his progeny, I just want to be alone to pursue their own destiny in a peaceful environment.
Enter Zero Wolf (Raoul Trujillo) and his band in search of victims strike, to sacrifice to the gods. Jaguar Paw and his pregnant wife Seven (Dalia Hernandez) and their son Turtles Run (Carlos Emilio Baez) escape the attack. People are afraid of Mayan calendar end of world Jaguar Paw is a hiding place soon to protect your family, then returns to the fight against the invaders to help.
Many of his village were killed and several others captured. Countdown has started for Mayan calendar end of world This story is how the acquisition of Jaguar Paw can survive the forced March to early death and then returns to save his family. Ultimately, you decide to approaching vessels in Spanish ports to salute in the use, or back into the forest and live a hidden life. Its tough to say about Mayan calendar end of world
I promise you, if you see this film at the edge of your seat. Apocalypto can keep their interest like few films.
Some historians noticed any inaccuracies in the film to criticize, I suppose, especially on some much needed publicity, of course, do not get to do on your own. Gibson is a producer of the film Apocalypto, not a historian. Folks say that predictions of Mayan calendar end of world has something to do with the Mayan calendarBy God, if you want accurate history, I read the history books. Gibson portrays the story, and that no one dares or cares about Hollywood.
Gibson's film is an excellent presentation of how we want that life should be, and also a reminder that no matter how smart we think we are able to sow the seeds of our own destruction here in the greatest nation on the soil is always organized. Mayan calendar end of world teaches how the world will endApocalypto is Mel Gibson, Bruce Davey and Farhad Safinia produced and written by Gibson and Safinia. Worth to see the price of two tickets. Nostradamus most of the predictions turned to be true so Mayan calendar end of world end of the earth can happens in realI recommend it for adults. It is a not so subtle reminder of what is civilization and be back.
The fate of the Mayan civilization remains a mystery to this day. We know that was around 300 BC, the Mayan calendar in Yucatan Peninsula, and invented more accurate than the old calendar. If Mayan calendar end of world is really going to be true then we have to prepare for survivalWe know that the ancient Mayan temples in Central America were built around 200 years.
We know that the classic period of Mayan civilization, 250-900, with the development of hieroglyphic writing and progress in art, architecture and science. We know that the post-classic Maya civilization began in 900 and lasted to 1519. Everyone have to face Mayan calendar end of world
The Mayan civilization was at its peak in the eighth Century, before they eventually decay, and finally to ignore suffering. We do not know why the civilization collapsed, but one can only speculate that his case from the inside, the seeds of its own destruction. People say that the predictions of Mayan calendar end of world has something to do with the Mayan Calendar
Apocalypto took Oscar nominations for makeup, sound editing and mixing.
I thought the movie was spectacular, close-up shots of Jaguar Paw running for his life, executed the look of fear on the faces of innocent people who were forcibly from their attackers, and flora and fauna of the jungle full. Mayan calendar end of world shows as the world ends
Director of photography Dean Semler used a Spydercam from the top of the cascade drawn from 170 feet, when Jaguar Paw jumps to zero, Wolf and his team of assassins to escape. More Nostradamus predictions proved true that Mayan calendar end of world end of the earth can be done in real time Semler filmed Apocalypto digitally, using Panavision Genesis HD camera. Semler is an artist disguised as a cameraman.
Central Ohio, and Dallas-Fort Film Critics Association's interesting to see what I have to give their best film Apocalypto. Apocalypto should have won more awards, but annoying habit of drinking Mel Gibson, and on a law enforcement officer does not benefit the Hollywood community. If Mayan calendar end of world will really be true, then we must prepare for survival
Gibson said the main building sets based on real rather than CGI. Three cheers to Gibson, because I think it's authenticity. I am so sick and tried silly kung fu movie, the 150-meter jump, players fight in the air and sound shows on a branch. All persons must face with Mayan calendar end of world I want to see these clowns struggling wannabe Bruce Lee on his best day.
Apocalypto is an epic? Of course. It was a protagonist of 39, with 700 extras.
You ask yourself, what is a support team of a film? For Apocalypto had 179 people in the Department of make-up, 67 in the Department of Art, 50 sounds, 36 effects, visual effects, to 153, 33 doubles, 80 in the Camera and Electrical, 8 in, 22 in costume, 18 writing, 62 in transport and more than 100 crew members. Total aid: 800 +. Cost of film: $ 40 million. Total box-office numbers and income rent: $ 72 million and counting. Technology says that Mayan calendar end of world is false
Many items are spoken by the Mayas, who had never played. The sick child played curses the hunting party, as the prisoners on a forced march to his death from a little girl of seven years, the result is lived in a hut with a dirt floor in a village not no remember Jaguar Claw. Lots of articles has already published online about Mayan calendar end of world
It was a disturbing scene, said the girl, who was untouchable by the plague and hunting references made: "You are afraid of me, so you should all, the hideous Do you know how you will die fear time is..? close. Beware of the darkness of the day. Beware of the man who brings the jaguar. Some organizations has already provided some guidelines to survive Mayan calendar end of world"Here he is reborn from mud and earth. Because it needs the will, the sky, and cancel the principle of land. Scratch, dass And the end of their world. He is with us today. Night and day. And the jaguar man will lead to an end. " We have heard lots about Mayan calendar end of world predictions these days.Here we learn as Jaguar Paw avoids beheaded as a gauntlet of spears and arrows as they fled back into the jungle. This film is brutal beheadings and graphics and sound.
There are too many rocks in this film to list here. Suffice it to say, a village used older animals, a story about how the man will never, despite the use of the earth and all that to be happy to tell their own advantage. Mayan calendar end of world teaches how the world will endThey crawl, when Jaguar Paw wife and young son are threatened with demolition, as they fly over and give his stillborn deal with some. At the end of Jaguar Paw's using his wit and wisdom to the forest as his own claim.
And see Apocalypto. It's a movie almost every look, how they could benefit before they pass from this earth. Please keep in mind how fragile and dangerous is our life. As per Mayan calendar end of world there will be a new Antichrist.Copyright 2007 Ed Bagley
Ed Bagley blog publishes original articles with commentary and analysis on five themes: sports, movie reviews, life lessons, work and employment, and internet marketing. My intention is to inform, educate and motivate the reader for pleasure. Everyone have to face Mayan calendar end of world
Read my comments on movies with religious themes in Mel Gibson's "The Passion of the Christ", "A Man for All Seasons," "Fiddler on the Roof" and "The Five People You in heaven." mayan calendar end of world predictions may be true,
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Sunday, May 20, 2012
Mayan calendar end of world and the Rapture - Spirituality
With all the hype of media-inflicted recently established by the 2012 film, was an attempt, the Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ (as predicted in Scripture) to unite with the 2012 prophecies of the Maya, and other Nostra Domus. More Nostradamus predictions proved true that Mayan calendar end of world end of the earth can be done in real time These two prophecies in the same? Is it possible that the prophets of God of the Bible (one hand) and the best prophet the world has to offer (other) on this day? If so, what does this mean for us? If you do not agree, then, what is appropriate and trustworthy? (Of course only time will tell ... but ...)
Since the Mayan calendar seems to stop that fateful day, many assume that the world we know will cease to be. Life is a struggle against the best, and few, if any, will survive. They claim that the solar system in a state of the tsunami that likes of which we have never seen before. Earthquake. Was. Pestilence. People are afraid of Mayan calendar end of world
The work was supported by the Masons (Masonic Lodge) for many years, that at the same time recommend discovered. Encrypted messages in the pyramids of Egypt to dust. It seems almost shocking. Technology says that Mayan calendar end of world is false
We can not know what all these "works of the people" can and might say. At best, they are just that: the works of men.
But when these same prognosticators, the Bible, to take into the mix, with passages try from the book of Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel and other prophets of the Bible (even if the words of Christ in the Gospels), over the recent period, and "squeeze" the Bible and turn to add the validity of their "artificial" apocalyptic theories, which is really stretching. Its tough to say about Mayan calendar end of world Suddenly we see people everywhere who wanted nothing to do with the Bible in his life now "forced" to fit your little charade of a "fairy tale".
Since the Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ is the event more real and immediate prophetic calendar of the Bible. To meet any other biblical prophecy, before the Rapture occurs. Everything is ready. Mayan calendar end of world shows as the world ends
The word "rapture" is not in the language of the Authorized Version of the Bible, like the King James version appear known. However, the Greek word is "caught up" in I Thessalonians 4:17 "Raptuo." I quote: "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so shall we ever be with the Lord" There will be a new Antichrist as per Mayan calendar end of world
Moreover, in I Corinthians 15:50,51, we find: "Behold, I show you a secret: not all asleep, but we shall all be changed in an instant, sound in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet the trumpet shall and the dead will be resurrected, and we shall be changed. All persons must face with Mayan calendar end of world "It is clear that there comes a point in the future where even the dead are raised, and all others in Christ, who has not experienced physical death, is changed . Be intercepted. Made to the Lord in the air.
Is it the rapture 21st December 2012 happen? Also, if you know nothing about the Bible clearly teaches us in Mark 13:32,33 "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven nor the Son, probes for Look, watch and pray: white .. not know when it's time " Countdown has started for Mayan calendar end of world
No doubt, come to the distance from the church. This is guaranteed by the promises of a faithful God.
It's just that nobody knows when. In contrast, the Mayan prophecies are very vague, but not a date! Interesting to say the least. Of course, God is absolutely reliable. Some organizations has already provided some guidelines to survivemayan calendar end of world
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Saturday, May 19, 2012
2012 the end of the world Interesting voice for students - Spirituality
No shortage of interesting speech topics for students who have the ability and spirit, the right kind of reflection of its subjects / the public needs to find. College life is much to learn about the different stages of life. It serves as a bulwark in the construction of future students. 2012 the end of the world predictions are based upon the balance of karma of mankind And one of the most important activities in the academic session in most universities in relation to events where students come with different themes, which develop and present their personal views may be involved. Such events are important not only in terms of education, but the students recognize the importance of an active participant in various sectors of society. As per predictions something wrong can happen on 2012 the end of the world dayThe back of this article is to be among some of the interesting speech topics for students in the form presented by different categories.
Interesting speech topics list for students
Interesting persuasive speech topicsTo start with some good speech topics, the better way to start listing those who might not be convincing. Here they are ... The 2012 the end of the world facts covers a superabundance of specific subjects and theories
Beef Port-laws Gay Marriage Nuclear power Are UFOs real? Airport security Smoking in public places Bar hours Sightings Alien Property Nostradamus 2012 the end of the world predictions can be worth
Oil production in Alaska Casinos Reserve Legalization of Marijuana The legalization of prostitution The risks of cosmetic surgery The adoption of the culture of the Cross Why do men have affairs? Why is it important to read? Homelessness in the United States There was even a forecast that the 2012 the end of the world will be in 2000 but it never happened
Reduce the drinking age General education classes Online dating is in danger or safety English-speaking U.S. Having pets spayed / neutered Video games are good for you? Film Classification is not correct All people are wondering about 2012 the end of the world
How many times have you donated blood Participation in college, under TV violence and children Control of your life ... the path of yoga The ban on smoking in public places Ghosts are people without bodies Public funding of sports stadiums How much is too much homework? There are similar scenarios for the 2012 the end of the world
Help the Environment by Recycling How to set goals and achieve them? Dealing with adolescent depression Young people should be tried as adults Age discrimination in the workplace The power of colors and their meanings Nostradamus predictions come true Sports nAfter ethnic Mayan calendar has suddenly end on December 21, 2012 as evidence, the 2012 the end of the world can be true
What Not to Wear Men and Women Tips Advantages of the traditional nuclear family The pressure of parents in child actors and athletes Conviction State compulsory inspection of vehicles Mayans are the uttermost special origin for this 2012 the end of the world 2012.
Some persuasive speech topics and interesting for studentsSome of the most convincing speech topics for students who are listed for you.
Abortion The gun safety Pet Euthanasia Rebellion of young people and you Healing Bible Verses Empty nest syndrome Unarmed Self Defense Everyone wants to know when 2012 the end of the world is going to happen? Effects of noise Positive pressure The ethical aspects of cloning Why is family important? The laws of affirmative Feng Shui for Your Home The most endangered species Advantages of nuclear energy Effects sedentary2012 will probably come and go like any other year but not 2012 the end of the world
The problems caused by obesity Hinduism is actually a religion? Conservative - It is important to know You can your habits? The prevention of crime and poverty Child Abuse Facts for Parents There are angels among us? Effects of mobile phone radiation As per predictions something wrong can happen on 2012 the end of the world day
How to stop emotional eating? Work-related stress and burnout Emotions such as blocks or lessons How to prevent violence in schools? Plant growth music? The system of classification of films is manipulated Tips to prevent obesity in children The 2012 the end of the world facts covers a superabundance of specific subjects and theories
Jury service should not be mandatory Reasons for Home Schooling is bad Arguments against the death penalty The signs of Internet Addiction Disorder Effects of music on the mind and brain How do people affect the environment? The positive impact of technology on society Nostradamus 2012 the end of the world predictions can be worth
Parenting - Key to a relative of the patient Community College vs. Four-year college Priests should be allowed to marry? Birth control - what you need to know Stapling of the stomach is the way to lose weight? The influence of teenage chats Spirituality: The key issues of our time There was even a forecast that the 2012 the end of the world will be in 2000 but it never happened
What if global warming continues? STD testing for sexually transmitted diseases Losing weight is a good way to change your life Cure cancer and heart disease - the healthy way Dreams: Links between real and imaginary worlds? Religion: If you interfere with medical care? Lying is a natural and necessary component of good All people are wondering about 2012 the end of the world
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Friday, May 18, 2012
Argumentative topics list 2012 the end of the world - Spirituality
Have discussions and arguments, is an essential part of the daily routine of all educational institutions. If it schools, colleges, encouraged schools, universities and even business organizations, a healthy debate on current issues and topics of interest, pressing, always. 2012 will probably come and go like any other year but not 2012 the end of the worldAnd like all other aspects of the planet, discussed the issue everyone has two faces. It has its advantages and disadvantages, and has its believers and nonbelievers. This article has a huge list of argumentative topics. These questions are very important for the present global scenario and are therefore good for essays, speeches, and even suitable research. To start writing about a topic, you must perform a complete investigation of the matter. Is there honestly something worthwhile to this 2012 the end of the world 2012 event? It appears soThis includes the collection of relevant facts, relevant, and accurate facts and dates, etc. on the topic. So let's see what some of the contentious issues that can be written.
Argumentative essay topics persuasive
Essay writing is not an easy task. In addition comes when it comes to writing argumentative and persuasive. There have been lots of speculations that 2012 the end of the world will be on 2012 Here are some good persuasive essay topics, argumentative essay and a list of topics that can be written. Remember, the argument essay writing is not as easy as it sounds. It requires great sensitivity and precision.
Animal Testing Euthanasia is justified? Forest fires - can be avoided? Ozone-depleting really? Computer games, blessing and curse Why climate change is not seriously What is organ donation - pros and cons? One of the theory is polar shift to 2012 the end of the world
Make sure to leave his brother Be prohibited in danger of extreme sports? If violations are punishable by the death penalty? If children are allowed to bring cell phones to school? Hidden cameras - the invasion of privacy or precautions? Nostradamus 2012 the end of the world predictions can be worth
Defend the argument "that television affects your intelligence." Greenhouse effect and global warming, are actually linked? There was even a forecast that the 2012 the end of the world will be in 2000 but it never happened
Argumentative paper topics
Select is a good research paper topic ideas for a good understanding of what surrounds us. Therefore, many people are often argumentative research topics. This has a dual purpose. A: You have a topic they love. All people are wondering about 2012 the end of the world Two: They come to offer a position on the particular topic, by argumentative research topics of their choice. If you have some topics of investigation and, if you look at the following list of topics argumentative argumentative paper topics listed.
Domestic Violence Such as media ethics Social Networking: A blessing or a curse. Artificial intelligence: myth or reality? Are they safe chat rooms? Everyone wants to know when 2012 the end of the world is going to happen?
Effects of peer pressure at any age Stay at home father v / s at home. The influence of media on young people. Endangered species are really in danger? When civilians are allowed to carry weapons? How serious is the problem of illegal immigration? 2012 will probably come and go like any other year but not 2012 the end of the world
Anorexia nervosa and other eating disorders.
Argumentative Topics
For those who throw some good speech topics for an upcoming debate, a look at the list of argumentative topics below. You can decide to choose. Remember, with passion and not afraid to ask questions at the counter, the answer can emerge to talk. To this end, extensive research and quick thinking is essential! There have been lots of speculations that 2012 the end of the world will be on 2012
Global Terrorism Real Estate extraterrestrial observations The risks of cosmetic surgery The adoption of the culture of the Cross Homelessness in the United States Why is it important to read? Why do men have affairs? One of the theory is polar shift to 2012 the end of the world
Dating online is risky or safe Film Classification is not correct Paternity leave: justified or not? If marijuana legalized? Advertising: the whole truth? How real is reality TV? There was even a forecast that the 2012 the end of the world will be in 2000 but it never happened
TV violence and children Control of your life ... Form of yoga The ban on smoking in public places If youths tried as adults Ghosts are people without bodies Beauty contest: it is necessary or not How much is too much homework? Video games good for you? All people are wondering about 2012 the end of the world
Endangered animals. Is it our fault? Age discrimination at work There is no evidence that aliens are real? Nostradamus predictions come true What not wear tips for men and women School uniforms are a good or bad idea? Advantages of the traditional nuclear family Vegetarian Non-vegetarian v / s. Swimming lessons mandatory for all Why the Harry Potter books are very popular Gay Marriage: Is it against the natural order? 2012 will probably come and go like any other year but not 2012 the end of the world
The ban on smoking in public places is justified? Birth order can affect your career choice? Piercings and tattoos for high school students Same-sex kissing on television, good or bad? All people are wondering about 2012 the end of the world
What is the danger of religious or any other kind of fundamentalism? Computer and Internet in the late natural growth of our thought processes? Teenage pregnancy: The effect of the glorification of sex or lack of information?
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Thursday, May 17, 2012
2012 the end of the world - Spirituality
Recently, much has been said about the "new" world will end in 2012. A Hollywood film was also released with the Apocalypse '2012 'in the subject line, 13 November 2009. 2012 the end of the world Or New Age Beginning The truth is that there is no concrete evidence or theory that the argument that supports the end of the world in 2012. We Answers apply to the question, the world will end in 2012 and why.
Will the world in 2012The arguments / theories about the Apocalypse 2012 must be understood from different angles. Here is an attempt to answer the question, the world will end in 2012. Learn more about When the world ends. As per experts there is some home work to save mankind from 2012 the end of the world
Pole Shift TheoryPredictions are on the poles of the earth has made a sudden change. According to these theories, the cause of the mantle and crust turn business around the liquid in the earth. Scientists have ruled out a sudden change. However, they agreed on the fact that subtle changes could take place. People are starting to worry about the 2012 the end of the world in 2012The changes are due to radical changes in the distribution of land masses. The reason for this change in mass distribution may be melting the polar ice caps. Adam Maloof, a geologist at Princeton University says that the earth has caused radical changes in the process of reorganization of the continents, subjected before. However, the pace of change was too slow to feel for the people. All are wondering that 2012 the end of the world in on December 2012 or not
Myths about the Mayan CalendarThe year 2012 is the last year of "Maya" or "Mesoamerican Long Count calendar. It is said that the cycle of 5125 years in the Mayan calendar on 21 or 23 December 2012. However, studies indicate archaeologists by 21 December 2012, but is regarded as a memorable day, the Mayan calendar does not end today. It is only the beginning of a new cycle. There are similar scenarios for the 2012 the end of the world According to the Mayan calendar, marked the end of December 2012. an era on August 11 began in 3114 BC So the following days, "the Apocalypse" is nothing other than "Zero Day" or in the Mayan Calendar More information:
Cosmology Maya - Mayan Creation Myth Maya history and
Galactic AlignmentSome observers of the sky, a particular kind of galactic alignment would be in December 2012. Camino Sun crosses the center of our galaxy (Milky Way). As per predictions something wrong can happen on 2012 the end of the world day This forces galactic alignment is run on the ground to carry out the transition. According to scientists (Morrison) spacecraft orientation, as in the time of the winter solstice. These orientations are not important from the point of gravitational forces, planetary orbits and solar radiation. This is not the first time prediction of 2012 the end of the world but some experts are predicted before too. Therefore, the possibility of such an approach safely to Earth from the perspective of astronomy zero.
Jain faith and the ApocalypseAccording to Jain faith, is "time" into sections distributed in a cosmic wheel. The cosmic wheel is also known as "Kalachakra. The wheel of time moves from one phase change to another smoothly and without any kind of apocalyptic. Mayans are the uttermost special origin for this 2012 the end of the world 2012.The two main parts of the cosmic wheel" Utsarpini (cycle time increasing) and "Avasarpini (descending cycle of time ), each divided into six sections. quality of life (natural resources, natural disasters, etc.), but degenerated into the dynamics down, while the cycle time is on the increase in the contrast down. To date, 2537 years of the fifth "ara" ( section) of "Avasarpini" has expired, even 18,463 years or more from 21 000 in year five of the last (sixth) are not yet ara expired. Nostradamus 2012 the end of the world predictions can be worthAt the end of the sixth and last plow, would the wheel of time can be spent only in the upward c ycle ( "Utsarpini '), without drastic changes. The apocalyptic consequences are not given importance in Jainism.
21.12.2012 Doom comes out after all End of the World 2012: The world is to end in 2012?
The question is, will 2012 the end of the world with a big "NO" was answered by the scientific fraternity. There have been lots of speculations that 2012 the end of the world will be on 2012 Most of the changes in the crust are subtle and not any kind of natural disasters. Therefore we must stop believing the rumors of 2012 and continue their normal lives.
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Wednesday, May 16, 2012
2012 End of World - About The Prophecy - Society - Environment
Time after time, we have now encountered various prophecies which have been revealed. For about so many centuries from now, it had been then discovered that there is an accurate calendar that will be able to calculate when is the end of everything that exists here on earth. As per the Mayans prediction there will be an end to everything and that is nowadays the talk of the town, the 2012 end of world.|As per the Mayans prediction there will be an end to everything as well as the 2012 end of world has become the talk of the town.}
Some are wondering why Mayan's have the ability to predict such events in the future. The reason for this is that centuries ago, in the case of astronomy, math as well as art, Mayan's were recognized to be a great advancement. They even have a complete written language, and because they've got such knowledge at hand, they became preoccupied with time and began on devising a calendar that is particular enough to tell what happens in the future. It showed more precise prediction of events in the future since the calendar is based on planetary, lunar and solar activities.
You will find some instances that prophecies based on the calendar itself showed that it did happened in the future like for example the arrival of the known Cortez (Spanish explorer) and other adventurers who accompanies him in New World at Tobaco shores. Then there was also the best important among all prediction which has to do with the alignment of Earth to our Sun that's more often known as the cosmic alignment that happens every 25,800 years.
Now, what certainly worries us is what can we have to consider with the 2012 end of the world prediction. If this alignment is also proven by science and it is soon to happen, what will we have to look forward to. Could this lead to various catastrophes which considers the shifting the earths position, and also destruction to Earth's normal condition? What is in it for us?
This is largely the primary concern of people who think it a lttle bit alarming that what one can see in the films, can surely happen. Aside from the Mayan calendar, one can also find more information about the 2012 end of the world prediction from other sources regarding history. The query on if this is the fact or not would be on how individuals take such prediction. You do some research and gather more information to find out the truth, if not, then it's up to you if you feel serious about this.
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Tuesday, May 15, 2012
The end of world in 2012 as per predictions - Spirituality
We talk more and more television, radio and in newspapers about the end of the world, also a film that was there. The world is scheduled to end in 2012, of world in 2012 cannot survive the human life. We learned that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, scientists predict disasters in 2012, the New Age people are nervous to give their views on Bible teacher and even a mention of Nostradamus. Its hard to believe about the end of world in 2012. Everyone must prepare for the end of world in 2012 Survival. So who do you think? Is it really happen?
This allows you to check our sources:
The Mayan calendar. Or more precisely, the number of long Mayan calendar, which supposedly to an abrupt end in 2012. Era is going to end or begin in end of world in 2012, no one knows. The Maya did not seem too worried about it. There are many disagreements about the interpretation of this calendar and the significance of the date of 2012, which means that nobody is really sure whether it happened or not. The very smart people are not convinced. Some folks wont believe in Mayans end of world in 2012.
Scientific projections. End of world in 2012 is really endless discussion. Some scientific predictions are right, others are completely wrong. These apocalyptic predictions are based on assumptions and presumptions are based. They must, for there is nothing that happened. This is an experiment can be repeated to ensure that their findings. Everyone has to prepare end of world in 2012 survival. In this case, the predictions of his destiny, but it seems that the date is not. Its hard to believe about the end of world in 2012.
New Era: the good people made a series of predictions over the decades since they emerged, but few have become reality. Everyone is worried about end of world in 2012. No doubt his sincerity, but their accuracy is catastrophic. End of word in 2012 is a popular topic in internet and everywhere. Most of his enthusiasm for astrology, which is based fundamentally wrong, anything at all to predict. End of world in 2012 is really endless discussion.
Teacher of the Bible: Some Bible teachers, especially those who give a date, not to believe the end of the world. Some folks wont believe in Mayans end of world in 2012. However, the Bible itself has to be 100% reliable with all predictions so far. For example, the birth and crucifixion of Jesus fulfilled over 300 prophecies, all from hundreds of years before it happenned. Another example is the name and the reign of King Cyrus of Persia is clearly foretold 400 years before his birth. end of world in 2012 is a crazy topic everywhere.
Nostradamus: Some of these predictions come true guys, but mainly because they are more expansive. Lots of people thinks that some terrible thing is going to happened about end of world in 2012. It is like predicting that many people die this year. While people are dying of old age, diseases and disasters, many of them. But how do you know if this is prophetic or not?
So, after reviewing the above sources, it seems that only the Bible has a 100% accuracy when it comes to predictions. So what does the Bible say about the exchange of land in the day?
He gave no date. More than that, he says that nobody knows what it is today.
What it says is that we know the end of the world is located near the signs, you know that spring is near when the buds on the trees begin to see green and tender. End of world in 2012 is an ongoing topic now a days. Many signs are already there. Some of the characters of the Bible are mentioned:
An increase of evil. So play the evil "The breach of the Bible."
A rapid increase of knowledge. (Think of the Internet and technology.)
A great illusion among the peoples of the world.
(Of course, if you are already a mistake, you do not know who you are.
The cure for disappointment is to get the facts and believe the truth. )
Fear and anxiety among the people of the country
An increase in the frequency and severity of natural disasters such as earthquakes, volcanoes, tidal and weather
A world government.
A world religion.
One of the world monetary system of repression, probably not with money.
There is evidence that many more of these.
As you can see from the above, some of these things are obvious, others are apparently still in the future. But there are many signs that tell us that the end of the world not so far. 2012 seems a bit more about all these things happen, but it seems that no school child dies of old age in his future. Some people think that end of world in 2012 is false, its just an end of cycle.
So the conclusion is: there is still time to think, to gather information and reach a conclusion, like the end of the world face to. But it would be a good idea to have to delete it. All are wishing that end of world in 2012 will be just a normal day not an end of earth.
The sprouts are tender.
There are many answers to questions about the preparation for all eventualities.
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Monday, May 14, 2012
Mayan calendar end of world - The true face behind the prophecy of 2012 - Spirituality
There was a lot closer fascination Rev. 2012 behind the forecast of 2012. Also last year, Hollywood took advantage of the increased publicity by the rumors about the phenomenon in 2012 the release of the film produced in 2012. This is the description of much of what will be done come December 2012, but there are actually a lot of mystery about the actual events that should happen.
2012 prediction prophecy is true on three sources of information, Nostradamus, the and the Holy Bible. There will be a new Antichrist as per end of world Any reference to three to a certain degree of truth one day, the Day of Judgement or Judgement Day. The is in fact the only source that directly effected the prediction that these events in 2012. Specifically, forecasts of the Mayan Long Count calendar, the 21st Take place in December 2012, the end of the world.
Maya society is known as one of the most advanced civilizations in the ancient world, with the Egyptians, Sumerians and Romans. All persons must face with end of world They were well known to be promoted in a number of powers such as mathematics, engineering and architecture. The Maya had many calendars that are used for things like the short haircut and religious purposes. The is divided into different units of time similar to the lunar calendar today. One year was known as Haab, while the shortest time was two weeks, which was known as the Tzolkin. Nostradamus most of the predictions turned to be true so Mayan calendar end of world end of the earth can happens in real The Mayan Long Count calendar lasts for thousands of years and should be between 21 December 2012 for completion. Compared with the lunar calendar, known, scientists believe that the Mayan calendar is very accurate, with only a difference of 30 seconds between the two calendars.
As of 2012 approaches, nobody really knows what is coming 21st December 2012 happened. However, it is entirely plausible and possible that the ancient Maya civilization, the end of time, which could have devastating effects on humanity predicted. People are afraid with mayan calendar end of world Could it be possible that it could happen in the Apocalypse? Or perhaps you may experience the beginning of a new era in the appearance of Christ or the Antichrist? We have to wait and see.
For more information about the Mayan calendar, please visit our official Web site of 2012 countdown.
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Sunday, May 13, 2012
Mayan calendar end of world and the Rapture - Spirituality
With all the hype of media-inflicted recently established by the 2012 film, was an attempt, the Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ (as predicted in Scripture) to unite with the 2012 prophecies of the Maya, and other Nostra Domus. More Nostradamus predictions proved true that Mayan calendar end of world end of the earth can be done in real time These two prophecies in the same? Is it possible that the prophets of God of the Bible (one hand) and the best prophet the world has to offer (other) on this day? If so, what does this mean for us? If you do not agree, then, what is appropriate and trustworthy? (Of course only time will tell ... but ...)
Since the Mayan calendar seems to stop that fateful day, many assume that the world we know will cease to be. Life is a struggle against the best, and few, if any, will survive. They claim that the solar system in a state of the tsunami that likes of which we have never seen before. Earthquake. Was. Pestilence. People are afraid of Mayan calendar end of world
The work was supported by the Masons (Masonic Lodge) for many years, that at the same time recommend discovered. Encrypted messages in the pyramids of Egypt to dust. It seems almost shocking. Technology says that Mayan calendar end of world is false
We can not know what all these "works of the people" can and might say. At best, they are just that: the works of men.
But when these same prognosticators, the Bible, to take into the mix, with passages try from the book of Revelation, Daniel, Ezekiel and other prophets of the Bible (even if the words of Christ in the Gospels), over the recent period, and "squeeze" the Bible and turn to add the validity of their "artificial" apocalyptic theories, which is really stretching. Its tough to say about Mayan calendar end of world Suddenly we see people everywhere who wanted nothing to do with the Bible in his life now "forced" to fit your little charade of a "fairy tale".
Since the Rapture of the Church of Jesus Christ is the event more real and immediate prophetic calendar of the Bible. To meet any other biblical prophecy, before the Rapture occurs. Everything is ready. Mayan calendar end of world shows as the world ends
The word "rapture" is not in the language of the Authorized Version of the Bible, like the King James version appear known. However, the Greek word is "caught up" in I Thessalonians 4:17 "Raptuo." I quote: "Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so shall we ever be with the Lord" There will be a new Antichrist as per Mayan calendar end of world
Moreover, in I Corinthians 15:50,51, we find: "Behold, I show you a secret: not all asleep, but we shall all be changed in an instant, sound in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet the trumpet shall and the dead will be resurrected, and we shall be changed. All persons must face with Mayan calendar end of world "It is clear that there comes a point in the future where even the dead are raised, and all others in Christ, who has not experienced physical death, is changed . Be intercepted. Made to the Lord in the air.
Is it the rapture 21st December 2012 happen? Also, if you know nothing about the Bible clearly teaches us in Mark 13:32,33 "But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven nor the Son, probes for Look, watch and pray: white .. not know when it's time " Countdown has started for Mayan calendar end of world
No doubt, come to the distance from the church. This is guaranteed by the promises of a faithful God.
It's just that nobody knows when. In contrast, the Mayan prophecies are very vague, but not a date! Interesting to say the least. Of course, God is absolutely reliable. Some organizations has already provided some guidelines to survivemayan calendar end of world
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Saturday, May 12, 2012
Aztec Calendar - Why is it different from the Mayan calendar end of world - Spirituality
Many believe that the Aztecs and Mayans are the same people, but they are not. Although both pre-European civilizations, cultures are different. Their only commonality is that they managed to create a great civilization in the ancient past that keeps us constantly surprised by his achievements and his influence on our civilization. We have heard lots about Mayan calendar end of world predictions these days.
The Aztecs were a few ethnic groups in central Mexico, especially those groups who spoke Nahuatl, which dominates much of Mesoamerica at the age of 14, 15 and 16, a period known as the late years after the classic Mesoamerican chronology. They had set developed a unique technique of agriculture, the one ground on rafts made of reeds and plant seeds have made in him. They called chinampas or floating gardens. Mayan calendar end of world predictions can be true The Aztecs were the artisans and sculptors remarkable. These are people who make sacrifices to their sun god, dressed in their intense and prisoners of war and sacrifice. They believe that if they stop to human sacrifice, the god of the sun would not rise. As per Mayan calendar end of world end of the world, an asteroid moving towards the earth it would have negative impact on the earth. They also practice cannibalism. Surprisingly, there was a legal system that recognizes only one supreme leader. The Aztecs were dest royed by the Spaniards and the survivors can see from among the Mexicans today. As per Mayan calendar end of world there will be a new Antichrist.
The Maya belongs to the Central American civilization. The Mayan civilization is over a thousand years older than the Aztecs. They are a peaceful people and love, because those were easily conquered by the Spaniards. It was found that the only known fully developed written language of the pre-Columbian America and its art, architecture, mathematical and astronomical systems. People are afraid with Mayan calendar end of worldWe studied the solar system and came with a very credible schedule, similar to the modern of today. His sense of art is in the wall paintings of the life term. They focus on creating a system in its environment. The Mayan cities were ruled by their sovereign. The Maya is still to be found in the Yucatan in southern Mexico. We have heard much about the predictions of Mayan calendar end of world today.
The two cultures have developed, a schedule is said to predict the future of humanity.
Aztec calendar from the same start and end, as is true of the Maya. In Aztec mythology, the first age of mankind ended with the animals eating people. mayan calendar end of world predictions may be true,The second era was marked by the wind, the third by fire are completed, and the fourth by water. The current fifth extended period of Nahui Olin, or Sun of the earthquake that began in 3113 BC and ends 24th December 2011 called.
The Mayan calendar ends 21st December 2012. The ancient Maya prophesied that not everything has come to an end. Instead, it will be a time of transition from one age to the world. The message that the concerns of our decision to give what the future ahead. However, there is no way to know exactly what will happen in the future. would sound Mayan calendar end of world end of the world, pass through an asteroid earth a negative effect on the Earth.
Zoraya like to explore different topics, to analyze and write. Learn more about the Aztec calendar and Mayan site ==> 2012 Prophecies, where you can find lots of useful information if you should look into the past and the future.
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Friday, May 11, 2012
The Mayan calendar end of world Doomsday Prophecy - a journey into the world - Spirituality
Are you aware of the apocalyptic prophecy of 2012? It is not a question for the common man like never asks impact on the daily routine. Everyone knows the predictions given in the book of Revelation. If you are not a Christian can be hard to believe, what is given in the Bible. All persons must face with end of world There is ample evidence that the apocalyptic prophecy of 2012. Chapter of Revelation, the date of the event is to occur are not clearly defined. 21 In this century we have other options, the predictions about the end of the world to calculate. The movements of the planets and stars can not be controlled by humans and therefore can not say that these predictions are absurd. We have heard lots about end of world predictions these days.
21st December 2012 is the date, as the end of this beautiful world. This date comes from the . The existence of this civilization ended before the year for people who make fun of his 2012 apocalyptic prophecy. end of world teaches how the world will end There are many events that were predicted by the Mayan calendar, which became a reality. Therefore, it would be foolish on their part, address this notion is the Apocalypse 2012 and the prophecy of the head. The Mayans were known for their exceptional skills in mathematics and astronomy known. You are the first to add a schedule, the 3500 years, and is also a mathematical calculation led to develop. As per Mayan calendar end of world there will be a new Antichrist. Although the prehistoric civilization that the structures that were not made for people in the world today.
You will find the concept of apocalyptic prophecy in the 2012 Aztec calendar. Many people believe that a single copy of the Mayan calendar. If you think not, the estimates are contained in these pages information on the forecasts of the I Ching, Merlin, Cybil, the Bible, Nostradamus and Mother Shipton relate. Everyone have to face Mayan calendar end of world In every place where the end of the world and therefore this prediction come true.
2012 Doomsday Prophecy and developed from the public after years of research. This is a warning to the human civilization on the threat still swallow the Earth.
Learn more about the importance and seriousness of the events in 2012 and how they are prepared to save yourself and your loved ones. Mayan calendar end of world predictions may be true,
If you are really interested in knowing more, then this is the most important message you will need to be read, More Nostradamus predictions proved true that mayan calendar end of world end of the earth can be done in real time
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Thursday, May 10, 2012
Mayan calendar end of world: Is it real or a hoax? - Spirituality
Many people are aware of the new world that the end is near. Some even gave the date and exact time of extinction feared. However, none of them has proven to be true when the time comes. Many prophecies about the end of the thing in the world were in issue. For those without faith, they tend to lose and let himself be carried away with these thoughts. People are afraid of end of world
Of all the prophecies and predictions that are circled, was the best, the Mayan prophecy. It is said that the world suffer after his death in 2012, is on that day next year. That prophecy has proved several scholars who said in response to it is really imminent. If end of world is really going to be true then we have to prepare for survival However, it is necessary to know is that as long as it believers and unbelievers, the argument will always be the focus.
For understanding the forecasts for the Maya, you need to know its origin. Based on the , 21 December 2012 is the exact date of the end of the world to be feared. But in detail how the land suffers from the dreaded catastrophe. We have heard much about the predictions of end of world today.To make matters worse, several groups of people who have already met and adhered to the support of the defense of what is really going on.
He even started the countdown to this topic. Some even said that an unknown planet that the Earth will be struck, causing damage to two planets, and nothing in his anger. If your knowledge base, according to the Mayan calendar, there is no doubt that can be taken by the concept. So you can accept that it really happened in 2012. Mayan calendar end of world shows as the world endsHowever, these assumptions are necessary to help justify the continuation of their normal state of mind.
Overall, the debate over whether the projection of the last real threat of mass death, or just a joke, until that day comes. From now on, people have to wait and see whether this idea will really happen, and incredibly scary. There will be a new Antichrist as per mayan calendar end of worldProphetic Mayan calendar was more accurate than anyone can count, but still, it's just a guess. You really have to wait if you want to know the truth.
Mayan Calendar Prophecy become reliable when it is feared in case of mass death. The terrible thought of the end of the world's last truly took until that day comes.
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Wednesday, May 09, 2012
Mayan calendar end of world 3 predictions prophecies must see - Spirituality
2012 is just around the corner, and we have heard all the rumors and theories about what will happen. What is the real deal with 2012, though? What are some predictions in circulation and will actually happen? Read on to see for some alleged prophecies 2012, whether there is any truth to rumors. As per Mayan calendar end of world there will be a new Antichrist.
First Prophecy 2012: The world will end. There is a widespread belief that in 2012, after the end of the Mayan calendar, which is the world ending in a catastrophic disaster. As any scientist or astrologer can tell you that it is totally wrong and the transition to the year 2012, like every other new year. However, scientists do not understand how the Maya were even able to get an accurate understanding of the universe around us from the stars of the mapping and the movement of the planets. Everyone have to face Mayan calendar end of world Even today's scientists are stunned by their understanding of the place on earth heights in our galaxy.
Prophecy II 2012: The end of the Mayan calendar signals a change in consciousness. Depending on whether you ask and what you choose to believe that this may or may not be true. The Mayan calendar ends in 2012, but started again, like in our calendar. There is a real change in consciousness happen in the near or around the New Year 2012 from. People say that the predictions of Mayan calendar end of world has something to do with the Mayan Calendar To believe even more afraid, is that research has done in human consciousness. The researchers found that the human body in zero field, if you have an out of body experience. Also found that our electromagnetic field affects directly from the earth ... One wonders what happened to our consciousness, in the case of a complete change in the polar? would sound Mayan calendar end of world end of the world, pass through an asteroid earth a negative effect on the Earth.The scientists found that the magnetic field decreases, which means that a polar reversal may in the near ...
Third Prophecy 2012: The Mayans accurately predicted other events. It is a question, and the jury is definitely out of this. Many people say that the Mayans advance the success of major events such as the rule of Nazi Germany and so on, but also for many others, and usually in very vague terms that are not specifically applied, and many other major events. If Mayan calendar end of world will really be true, then we must prepare for survival
These are just three of many prophecies, all of the ancient Mayan civilization, which undoubtedly left its mark on our lives today with his incredible vision. One wonders, however, are the things he predicted actually happened? mayan calendar end of world predictions can be true If we trust an ancient civilization that today's scientists and the deflectors with his amazing understanding of our solar system? This is my friend, is up to you - Will they survive?
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Tuesday, May 08, 2012
Is there anything that the Mayan calendar end of world - Spirituality
2012 years election will be like any other - only with the addition of the Summer Olympic Games. Mardi Gras takes 21st February to Easter, will quickly follow. If the schedule holds, we get the Freedom Tower that will replace those lost with us in New York. would sound Mayan calendar end of world end of the world, pass through an asteroid earth a negative effect on the Earth.Halloween is on 31 Arrive in October, as usual, and life is just chug ... or is it?
As some have held their breath and forced to hide in their houses with strips of plastic pipes and shelter for Y2K, some also do the same thing (or maybe even worse) as we get closer to 21st December 2012 March. If Mayan calendar end of world will really be true, then we must prepare for survival It seems that these people their apocalyptic date in 2000 and have now lost their energy goes to a date that coincides with the end of the Mayan calendar, a character taking the time to 5000 years.
Just do a quick search for 2012 "in your favorite search engine and that is the number of sites and books on the subject. Mayan calendar end of world is just a forecast Along with these questions lead to many more who teach basic survival and advanced classes on canning and growing your own food. Exactly what people think about to happen?
There are scientists and others who call from a mysterious Planet X Nibiru some 21st Talk to December 2012, the tolling of the earth so closely that disturbs the orbit of the earth and the establishment of focus - which catapulted the surface of the earth with overdrive earthquakes, tsunamis, and storms. Lots of articles has already published online about Mayan calendar end of world Other credits an extremely rare galactic alignment occurs every 26,000 years, as the cause of the apocalyptic event. During this orientation, the sun with at least five planets will be aligned, and the rest of the Milky Way (How can we know?) There are others, that the Maya somehow this cycle did 26,000 years ago and think, decided in four segments of 5125 years divided - or cycles of creation, and it is said, have been found and destroyed by one of the five elements, namely, 4 Jaguar, 4 wind, rain 4, 4 water. Mayan calendar end of world predictions may be true, The current cycle, we should - a s the age of the Sun 5 and the name Maya means (Caban) means "earthquake", "movement" and "change" ... But again, it also means "tortoise". More Nostradamus predictions proved true that Mayan calendar end of world end of the earth can be done in real time
Sounds pretty ominous, does not it? It should. I think some people are afraid to - if you like a horror movie. Some people see what they want, whenever you want and not taking into account all the facts - begins the fact that the Mayan calendar, and when it ends not even surpassed - not visible. People are afraid of Mayan calendar end of worldAnd have all that stuff not by the fact that the Maya were allegedly helped disappeared mysteriously .... each of them - at a time. Where did they go? Disneyland?
Finally, in 2012, we are someone to vote for the office, the people for Mardi Gras beads flash, people dress in their Sunday best for Easter, metals won at the Olympics, the children will be candy for Halloween, and " holiday "in December, these I suspect it is likely that some earthquakes occur this year, some severe storms, and people will die, -. Technology says that Mayan calendar end of world is false But then, that occur each year? Where are we? I plan on going on my birthday, 21 December 2012 to work and hope that someone bravely through his duct tape and plastic, and displayed to "Happy Birthday" sing to me. Its tough to say about Mayan calendar end of world
Patricia Green has worked in management and operation in the public and private interests in all things that affect their lives today. mayan calendar end of world shows as the world ends
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Monday, May 07, 2012
Nostradamus End of World Theories - Are Nostradamus' Predictions Coming True? - Other
Throughout the years, many people have predicted the end of the world, but perhaps the most notorious of these future seers is Nostradamus. Few psychics have had the degree of success at making predictions that we've seen from Nostradamus. He lived from 1503 to 1566 and historians and observers believe that approximately fifty percent of his predictions have already come true.
Some of the most famous predictions that have come true are predictions about World War I and World War II, Hitler, Napoleon, and the atomic destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The current interest in the Nostradamus end of world predictions revolve around his predictions for massive unrest and trouble in the time between 2009 and 2012. When you combine this with the idea of the December 21, 2012 end-date of the Mayan Long Count Calendar, things become interesting indeed.
In addition to this unrest, some believe that Nostradamus also predicted President Obama taking office.
Nostradamus' predictions are quite remarkable, especially given that the events and technology that he was seeing were hundreds of years more advanced than those of his time. Imagine how confusing that must have been to him!
The problem with thinking that the Nostradamus end of world theories point to a 2012 end date is that the predictions continue on long past 2012. In fact, he claimed to see things until the year 3797. This suggests that even though he saw catastrophic events for this time in our life, he didn't think that it would be the end of the world.
Instead, his predictions may be leading to a more Armageddon-like situations--a sort of "end of the world as we know it", which later results in a much better world on the other side.
Though some may deny the accuracy of the events that Nostradamus predicted, saying that people stretch the events to fit in with his predictions, he does seem to predict tumultuous times for this time period that we're in. Will it be the end times? Nostradamus seems to believe that it won't actually be the end.
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Sunday, May 06, 2012
2012 End of World - About The Prophecy - Society - Environment
Some are wondering why Mayan's have the ability to predict such events in the future. The reason for this is that centuries ago, in the case of astronomy, math as well as art, Mayan's were recognized to be a great advancement. They even have a complete written language, and because they've got such knowledge at hand, they became preoccupied with time and began on devising a calendar that is particular enough to tell what happens in the future. It showed more precise prediction of events in the future since the calendar is based on planetary, lunar and solar activities.
You will find some instances that prophecies based on the calendar itself showed that it did happened in the future like for example the arrival of the known Cortez (Spanish explorer) and other adventurers who accompanies him in New World at Tobaco shores. Then there was also the best important among all prediction which has to do with the alignment of Earth to our Sun that's more often known as the cosmic alignment that happens every 25,800 years.
Now, what certainly worries us is what can we have to consider with the 2012 end of the world prediction. If this alignment is also proven by science and it is soon to happen, what will we have to look forward to. Could this lead to various catastrophes which considers the shifting the earths position, and also destruction to Earth's normal condition? What is in it for us?
This is largely the primary concern of people who think it a lttle bit alarming that what one can see in the films, can surely happen. Aside from the Mayan calendar, one can also find more information about the 2012 end of the world prediction from other sources regarding history. The query on if this is the fact or not would be on how individuals take such prediction. You do some research and gather more information to find out the truth, if not, then it's up to you
Saturday, May 05, 2012
Forecasts 2012 Calendar - Mayan calendar end of world forecasts - Spirituality
Do you know who Nostradamus? Let me remind you that the person whose prediction is never wrong. And you can believe that he predicted that the 21st World December 2012 end. Can you believe it? No doubt, as to believe that. But nobody knows what is the truth. It remains a mystery. The is 5125 years old and ends 21st December 2012. People say that the predictions of end of world has something to do with the What will happen next? This is certainly a mystery. Let us see what are some predictions of the 2012 calendar?
1st It is believed that the new era in the neighborhood after 21 December achieve. Each one of us and the world a new way. However, the is not predicting that the environment is destroyed. The atmosphere will be destroyed. would sound end of world end of the world, pass through an asteroid earth a negative effect on the Earth.This does not mean that there are some changes in the Earth's crust. It may be a volcanic eruption, leading to very serious in the world and cause serious loss of life. The schedule provides that no one to stay. The year 2012 marked the beginning of the apocalypse.
2nd The disaster could also happen in 2012. The first point suggests are the same, but the words differently. If Mayan calendar end of world will really be true, then we must prepare for survivalOf course, you will find that the crust is cracked in several places and the lava flows out of it. All continents are the main obstacles.
However, there is a surprise for you. The Mayan calendars are used only rarely by people. But if you want to talk to Maya tribes and peoples of the Mayan language, then comes to know that they know nothing about 2012. You have no idea what will happen in December 2012. In fact, the Western calendar, to do a lot to do with this prediction. As per Mayan calendar end of world end of the world, an asteroid moving towards the earth it would have negative impact on the earth. Historians and archaeologists have been researching the Mayan civilization for a very long time.
Been given recently to the discovery and prediction in the Mayan calendar. But there are certainly a lot of secrets about him and certainly confuse a certain limit. If the disaster on 21 December or that the world will end. If Mayan calendar end of world is really going to be true then we have to prepare for survival This is certainly a mystery, most researchers are investigating. But God knows what is the truth.
Are you prepared to survive well in 2012? Think you're still a joke or fraud in 2012? You would be surprised at these facts to 21 December 2012 to know. We have heard much about the predictions of mayan calendar end of world today.
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Friday, May 04, 2012
December 2012 End of World - Omens Regarding the End of the World - Education - Special Education
Perhaps December 2012 is the most concealed and threatening year according to the study revealed by numerous scientists. There are number of phenomenon all over the world are predicting that all natural life on this Earth will face catastrophe on December 21, 2012. Others think that it might be due to the acts of humankind, while some individuals think that the ultimate catastrophe might be due to a couple of natural paradox like earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and more.
The scenario of December 2012 end of world has many individuals bothered. The essential thought is that others suppose that December 21, 2012 is already the end of the world, the exact date that the Mayan calendar will end. However, what exactly do individuals signify when they pronounce the end of the world?
Mayans were the primitive individuals that predicted that this coming 2012 will be the end of life on Earth. They were highly skilled at developing precise astrological devices from stone as well as Sacrificing Virgins. The Mayan Calendar predicts regarding the end of natural life on Earth on December 21, 2012.
Generally, solar blasts have been penetrating the earth with several radiation energy that knocks the power grids and destructing satellites. This specific activity is foreseen to become even dangerous and this concern will arrive its top on said December 2012 end of world.
The primitive natural catastrophes that are predicted to end life on this planet are the eruptions of the Volcanoes. The Yellowstone volcano is revealed having an erupting pattern every 650,000 years. Several geologists anticipate that Yellowstone is prepared for a massive eruption in 2012 because the pressure under it is progressing continuously.
According to the predictions made by skilled scientists, it is expected that this planet will face massive destruction in 2012. Making the occurrence even dangerous, their omens reveal that human beings will all die immediately with 99 percent definitive.
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Thursday, May 03, 2012
How to Survive end of world in 2012
Many scientists agree with the Mayan prediction. The world is scheduled to end in 2012, of world in 2012 cannot survive the human life. Was investigated in the future, it will be an approximation of the earth, the sun and the center of the galaxy, the Milky Way. What happens when every 25,000 years only. Era is going to end or begin in end of world in 2012, no one knows. Experts say it could be a global catastrophe, the world suddenly change. It is able to move north and south pole to the equator, cause earthquakes, storms, floods and volcanic eruptions. Some folks wont believe in Mayans end of world in 2012.
In this disaster, we must be ready when the time comes. We must learn to survive until 2012. However I believe that that end of world in 2012 is not going to happen, its just an end of cycle. As the people responsible on this earth for the preparation of a long journey through an unprecedented event, you need to have the necessary equipment and supplies for our survival. End of world in 2012 is an ongoing topic now a days.
For this purpose, the prediction of the world, we must first find or locate the exact spot where you can hide or shelter first. Some folks wont believe in Mayans end of world in 2012. Some of the possible locations that were proposed by scientists, the Ethiopian highlands, the mountains of Turkey, Madagascar, the high mountains of Spain and the mountains of Morocco. Its hard to believe about the end of world in 2012. Here are some places to indicate safe as it is evidence of the tsunami, earthquake-proof, and proof of flood, storm and perhaps a free trial version of the fallout. To a bunker too strong and resilient in your home if necessary.
We can also learn how to survive until 2012, when they have enough food to survive. Foods such as cereals, nuts, lentils, rice and soybeans. Prepare to get food and canned fish, meat, poultry, fruit and vegetables. It is hard to judge on end of world in 2012. Water is also very important to their survival. Make a water treatment plant material. Add dried herbs, coffee, milk (milk powder and condensed milk), tea and energy drinks. Make available a first aid kit for emergencies. Personal hygiene is a must, especially if you have children and adults. Everyone wants that end of world in 2012 just goes like a normal day not the ending.
Note also that a power supply (solar cells, batteries, alternators) and electronics. Lighting and heating are essential. The kitchen can be used for food. Have to be clothing and textiles such as bedding, linens, towels, blankets and other textiles and clothing prepared.
Transportation is also a must. 4WD off-road vehicles, boats will be stored until the aftermath. Everyone is worried about end of world in 2012. Including motorcycles, bicycles, hot air balloons, parachuting and paragliding as well. Never fail to use the values to fuels, oils and water. Many people believe that surely something bad may happened about the end of world 2012. There is also a necessity for us to get books with every topic imaginable, we can find. However I believe that that end of world in 2012 is not going to happen, its just an end of cycle. The best of our knowledge about everything here on earth.
We need to be familiar with in order to survive, we must be prepared and take steps to our survival. Is it in the interest of our future and the future of the next generation
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
End of world in 2012 predictions - 3 ways the world could - Spirituality
People worldwide take a great interest at the end of 2012, predicts the world in those days. All are wishing that end of world in 2012 will be just a normal day not an end of earth. Many theories arise from different parts of the world. While some believe that the events that led to the end of the world by human beings is raised, there are many, there would be an act of God, who is acting in nature, so to end the life of Earth believe. Let's look at some of the most popular in the vicinity of the 2012 forecasts. However I believe that that end of world in 2012 is not going to happen, its just an end of cycle. The world is scheduled to end in 2012, of world in 2012 cannot survive the human life.
1st When it comes to the end of 2012, predicts the world, it should be the most popular of them predicting the Mayan calendar. Some folks wont believe in Mayans end of world in 2012. The ancient Maya were known highly intelligent breed that had a very good knowledge of mathematics and astronomy. Some people think Mayans are false about end of world in 2012. Era is going to end or begin in end of world in 2012, no one knows. End of world in 2012 is really endless discussion.According to the Mayan calendar, would the world into a new era of 21st December 2012.
2nd There are many in the scientific community has presented his own version of the 2012 apocalyptic predictions. Everyone has to prepare end of world in 2012 survival. The most popular of them is now the solar storms bring destruction to our planet. Since there are already signs that solar storms have destroyed satellites and power grids were removed, this prediction is a large number of buyers. Its hard to believe about the end of world in 2012
3rd The different religions have their own versions of apocalyptic predictions 2012th 2012 is an important year, as many changes taking something that is referenced in the Book of Changes in China. Many people believe that surely something bad may happened about the end of world 2012. The year of great significance for humanity even in different sections of the Hindu religion also mentioned. 21st December 2012 is also mentioned in the Bible as the trial or the date of Armageddon.
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Tuesday, May 01, 2012
The Mayan calendar end of world Doomsday Prophecy - a journey into the world - Spirituality
Are you aware of the apocalyptic prophecy of 2012? It is not a question for the common man like never asks impact on the daily routine. Everyone knows the predictions given in the book of Revelation. If you are not a Christian can be hard to believe, what is given in the Bible. All persons must face with end of world There is ample evidence that the apocalyptic prophecy of 2012. Chapter of Revelation, the date of the event is to occur are not clearly defined. 21 In this century we have other options, the predictions about the end of the world to calculate. The movements of the planets and stars can not be controlled by humans and therefore can not say that these predictions are absurd. We have heard lots about end of world predictions these days.
21st December 2012 is the date, as the end of this beautiful world. This date comes from the . The existence of this civilization ended before the year for people who make fun of his 2012 apocalyptic prophecy. end of world teaches how the world will end There are many events that were predicted by the Mayan calendar, which became a reality. Therefore, it would be foolish on their part, address this notion is the Apocalypse 2012 and the prophecy of the head. The Mayans were known for their exceptional skills in mathematics and astronomy known. You are the first to add a schedule, the 3500 years, and is also a mathematical calculation led to develop. As per Mayan calendar end of world there will be a new Antichrist. Although the prehistoric civilization that the structures that were not made for people in the world today.
You will find the concept of apocalyptic prophecy in the 2012 Aztec calendar. Many people believe that a single copy of the Mayan calendar. If you think not, the estimates are contained in these pages information on the forecasts of the I Ching, Merlin, Cybil, the Bible, Nostradamus and Mother Shipton relate. Everyone have to face Mayan calendar end of world In every place where the end of the world and therefore this prediction come true.
2012 Doomsday Prophecy and developed from the public after years of research. This is a warning to the human civilization on the threat still swallow the Earth.
Learn more about the importance and seriousness of the events in 2012 and how they are prepared to save yourself and your loved ones. Mayan calendar end of world predictions may be true,
If you are really interested in knowing more, then this is the most important message you will need to be read, More Nostradamus predictions proved true that mayan calendar end of world end of the earth can be done in real time
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Monday, April 30, 2012
Mayan calendar end of world 3 predictions prophecies must see - Spirituality
2012 is just around the corner, and we have heard all the rumors and theories about what will happen. What is the real deal with 2012, though? What are some predictions in circulation and will actually happen? Read on to see for some alleged prophecies 2012, whether there is any truth to rumors. As per Mayan calendar end of world there will be a new Antichrist.
First Prophecy 2012: The world will end. There is a widespread belief that in 2012, after the end of the Mayan calendar, which is the world ending in a catastrophic disaster. As any scientist or astrologer can tell you that it is totally wrong and the transition to the year 2012, like every other new year. However, scientists do not understand how the Maya were even able to get an accurate understanding of the universe around us from the stars of the mapping and the movement of the planets. Everyone have to face Mayan calendar end of world Even today's scientists are stunned by their understanding of the place on earth heights in our galaxy.
Prophecy II 2012: The end of the Mayan calendar signals a change in consciousness. Depending on whether you ask and what you choose to believe that this may or may not be true. The Mayan calendar ends in 2012, but started again, like in our calendar. There is a real change in consciousness happen in the near or around the New Year 2012 from. People say that the predictions of Mayan calendar end of world has something to do with the Mayan Calendar To believe even more afraid, is that research has done in human consciousness. The researchers found that the human body in zero field, if you have an out of body experience. Also found that our electromagnetic field affects directly from the earth ... One wonders what happened to our consciousness, in the case of a complete change in the polar? would sound Mayan calendar end of world end of the world, pass through an asteroid earth a negative effect on the Earth.The scientists found that the magnetic field decreases, which means that a polar reversal may in the near ...
Third Prophecy 2012: The Mayans accurately predicted other events. It is a question, and the jury is definitely out of this. Many people say that the Mayans advance the success of major events such as the rule of Nazi Germany and so on, but also for many others, and usually in very vague terms that are not specifically applied, and many other major events. If Mayan calendar end of world will really be true, then we must prepare for survival
These are just three of many prophecies, all of the ancient Mayan civilization, which undoubtedly left its mark on our lives today with his incredible vision. One wonders, however, are the things he predicted actually happened? mayan calendar end of world predictions can be true If we trust an ancient civilization that today's scientists and the deflectors with his amazing understanding of our solar system? This is my friend, is up to you - Will they survive?
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